Urgent Medical Evacuation
Air Archipels has been providing 90% of urgent medical evacuations (EVASAN) in French Polynesia for 20 years. Air Archipels has developed a spirit of public service mission and prompt responsiveness. Able to get a crew off the ground in 45 minutes, day or night, whatever the destination, the company has become the main provider of local health services in this sector of activity. She also acts on behalf of private insurance companies.
A link in the Polynesian healthcare system
French Polynesia has a territory as large as Europe. Its perfectly organized health system allows it to intervene in an extremely reactive way in emergency situations. Air Archipels is one of the links in this healthcare system. The company is therefore perfectly experienced in emergency interventions.
Coverage of all of Polynesia
Due to this activity, the pilots of Air Archipels intervene regularly on all the aerodromes of French Polynesia. They are experienced in the practice of all local destinations.